Slipping away
I wrote this kinda-looks-like-a-diary when I was 17 which means in 2016. That year was my downfall but I kept it to myself and wrote it in a book. It was not a failure kind of downfall but a breakdown kind of downfall. I felt like everything that I have built just tumbled to the ground. That everything was actually my friendship with certain people. They were dear to me the past year but we kind of got drifted apart a little bit and barely talked to each other. Whenever I tried to start a conversation, this awkward atmosphere slipped in between us so our conversations were cut short. I thought that could outgrew the awkward atmosphere but I guess that way watered it instead of pulling it out of the soil like how we throw weeds away. D ear Peter, I think myself is slipping away again. Here is why; Last year, I was fortunate enough to be roommates with these 3 great people. Not gonna lie, I felt ...