First blog
Are you a reader? A novel reader? Anime reader? Fan fiction
reader maybe?
And maybe you fell very deeply to the content of what you
are reading and all of these mixed emotions just washed all over your heart
like rain poured on you when you forgot to bring an umbrella with you so now
your heart is just drenched with all the words in the object you are reading.
I have this habit that is when I read, I like to highlight
with a highlighter or a pencil on sentences that my heart seemed to heartache
on. Do you guys have that similar habit of mine? We could be nerds together
I just finished high school so I would like to record my
oh-so-heart-aching sentences from my favourite previous novels because I want
others to read a story through my eyes here. I want others to feel how I felt
when I read a story.
And maybe from my favourite kdramas? (I am a kdrama craze
Have you ever watched Moonlight drawn by clouds? How about
Descendants of the sun? Those two are currently in my top favourite kdramas at
the moment. Have you guys got over it yet? I know I don’t (yet).
Currently I am working on my next post that is I am writing
my favourite scenes, sayings from a novel that is quite popular at the moment
called To all the boys I’ve loved
before. I’ve finished reading this book
a long time ago. I guess even before this book became popular ( am I bragging?)
I’ll give a brief introduction of this novel for you guys in
my next post.
This is all for now! I’ll do my best for my next post!